Karoo lion search teams following fresh spoor

Karoo lion

The lion that escaped from the Karoo National Park, outside Beaufort West, last week Friday and was spotted early this week.

The teams searching for the lion, which left the confines of Karoo National Park, near Beaufort West, had a reprieve late Thursday afternoon.

They were alerted to possible lion spoor on a farm to the north of the Park.

“They immediately went to the property and confirmed that it was in fact evidence of the lion’s presence,” SANParks said.

Park Manager, Nico van der Walt, added that the spoor was found about 60km from the Park’s boundary, to the north.

“The search teams remained in the area until well after dark, combing the expanse of the property. They have returned to the area on Friday morning to continue the search,” he said.

“A veterinarian is accompanying the group in the event that they spot the animal and the chance of darting it is possible.”

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