Did you know that there are 84 bra sizes – all between an A cup and a K cup!
And, if you have ever shopped for a bra, you will know that there are definitely NOT 84 sizes out there available to the public. One of the biggest problems, when it comes to lingerie is knowing what is the perfect size for you, and most cannot actually find their exact size because it doesn’t exist.

At least, not until now!
Thursdays supports women of a C cup and up! And, they are doing this with style and elegance too! Their products are pure South African which makes this all the more amazing!
Shona Macdonald, who you may recognise from her little endeavour within the Shark Tank and as a real survivor on Survivor SA: Champions a few years back, is an innovative entrepreneur, always looking for ways to promote her latest project.

Thursdays has been going since 2015 with an official lingerie launch in December 2018, and now Shona is venturing into the world of Crowd Funding.
We caught up with Shona at Heavy Chef in the last week, where she launched the official start of her Crowdfunding aptly named #Thundaboobs!

Why Crowdfunding?
In order to create bra sizes further than an F cup, they need a little help. The fact that if you want a plus plus size bra you have to look at spending around R1500 and have it custom-made.
Through Thundfund, Shona is pushing the #Thundaboobs Campaign, where she aims to raise a whopping R3 000 000. Their tipping point is R100 000, which means that if they don’t reach that point, then they must refund everyone their donations.

Their actual milestones?
Milestone 1: Expand our size range to a G cup
Milestone 2: Expand our size range to a K cup
Milestone 3: Create a maternity wear collection
Milestone 4: Create a swimwear collection for 2020
Milestone 5: Design functional sports bras
What do you get out of it?
“But, I don’t have big boobs! Why should I bother supporting?”
Good question! Why, indeed?
Well, because you just want to support something bigger than yourself (lol!) and because you will get something out of it too!
Here are the ways in which you can support this crowdfunded initiative.
Option 1 – Just the breast
$7 (+-R100) – Every bit helps, more than you can imagine! We will thank you on our social media platforms, and put your name on our wall of fame!

Option 2 – Captain Chesticles
$14 (+-R200) – Your pledge gets you a super slick #wesupportboobs t-shirt made from recycled PET plastic (ladies and men’s designs available). These t-shirts are environmentally friendly and 100% locally sourced and produced. They are made with BeSoCool and BeSoSoft Technology, maintaining a soft finish and regulating your temperature and moisture when you get active!

Option 3 – Boob Ambassador
$21 (+-R300) – Show your colleagues that you support boobs with a super sexy “We Support Boobs” ceramic mug.

Option 4 – The Breast Bra – EXCLUSIVE DEAL
$56 (R800) Save 40% – Pre-order 2 of your favorite Thursdays bras in white or in black. Choose between the oh-so-royal Queen Protea Longline Bra (C cup to K cup) or the Cape Everlasting Bralette (B/C cup to D/DD cup). Retail value: R1400.
These bras will be made to order, and include our extended size range. We will contact you post campaign to confirm your size and selected style. It will be delivered to your door within 3 months of the campaign closing.

Option 5 – The Breast Supporter
$160 (+-R2300) Save 50% – Pre-order our whole fynbos lingerie range in both colour ranges, and only pay for one! (2x black bras , 2x white bras, 3x black panties, 3x white panties) available in your size from our new, extended size range! Available from a C cup to K cup! Retail value: R4480.
This will be made to order, and include our extended size range. We will contact you post campaign to confirm your size and selected styles, and deliver it to your door within 3 months of the campaign closing. Feel free to mix and match, if you would rather have 3 of the same panty, and one style of bra, that’s fine!
Option 6 – D Cup Duchess
$140 (+-R2000) Become a VIP Brand Ambassador, and receive 25% off all online purchases for life! We will ask for your feedback and collaborate with you on future designs. You will be given the option to become one of our fit test models, using you as a sample tester to give us commenting on the designs and fit for your size. All samples you test will be complimentary!

Option 7 – The Boob Enthusiast
$1 050 (+- R15 000) Pre-buy R15 000 worth of our stock, we will sell it on your behalf and split the profits with you 50/50. Make your investment back, plus a profit of R3000 within one year.

Option 8 – The Big Boob Baller
$3 500 (+- R50 000) Pre-buy R50 000 worth of our stock, we will sell it on your behalf and split the profits with you 50/50. Make your investment back, plus a profit of R10 000 within one year.
If you’re keen to get involved, choose your option and get involved.
Or, if you simply want to purchase some beautiful lingerie, go to their online shop.
To keep up to date with all local news, be sure to follow us on social media – links below. Or if you want to advertise.